Previously, Qualcomm announced a new series of Snapdragon 700. According to XDA, a foreign forum, Qualcomm now plans to rename the original Snapdragon 670 chip to Snapdragon 710, and the new processor will be applied to two Xiaomi devices.
It is reported that Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 is designed for 2+6. Two large cores are customized versions of ARM Cortex-A75, while six small cores are customized versions of ARM Cortex-A55. This can be proved by the firmware screenshot of one of the exposed Xiaomi devices. The GPU of Snapdragon 710 is Adreno 615, and the frequency is between 430MHz and 700MHz.
▲ Screenshot of Xiaomi equipment firmware
Some parameters of two Xiaomi devices equipped with Snapdragon 710 have also surfaced. In addition to the processor, one of the products code named "comet" is also equipped with an OLED display screen, which supports the screen display function, dual card dual standby, infrared ray, and the battery is 3100 mAh, and does not support NFC and microSD insertion. Another device, code named "Sirius", also carries Snapdragon 710 and is equipped with the popular Liuhaiping screen. At the same time, this screen is also an OLED screen that supports screen display, dual cards, dual standby and infrared. The battery is 3120mAh, does not support NFC and microSD insertion, and supports portrait mode. Therefore, this device may be equipped with dual cameras. In addition, both devices run MIUI customized based on Android 8.1.
▲ Xiaomi Note 3
It is easy to see from the above parameters that "Sirius" is a high-end product, while "Comet" is a mid-range product. The release time of these two devices was after the announcement of Qualcomm Snapdragon 710. The author speculates that the device code named "Sirius" may be Xiaomi Note 4.
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