Recently, Logitech launched a G560 e-sports speaker. The G560 is the first speaker product of Logitech that uses LIGHTSYNC technology. The RGB light effect of the speaker is not rhythmic flickering, but will flash synchronously with the rhythm of music.
The special feature of G560 is that it will recognize the game you are currently playing and synchronously change the flashing lights to match your performance (game). For example, if you are chased by a police car while playing GTA5, G560 will recognize the sound effect of the police car and set the RGB color condition to red and blue flashing alternately. When you hear the explosion and gunfire in the game, it will flash red and orange.
In terms of parameters, the continuous power of G560 is 120W, and the peak power is 240W; Support 2.1 stereo and DTS: X、 Support Bluetooth wireless connection; Logitech G560 will be sold in April at a price of USD 199.99, about RMB 1260.