The rivalry between Intel and AMD in the processor field has lasted for many years, but compared with Intel with sufficient technology reserves, Due to the stagnation of the manufacturing process and the backwardness of the design architecture, AMD has fallen behind in the past few years. Fortunately, AMD has been brave and has successfully turned over after launching Ryzen series processors in 2017. The resurgent AMD has also created great pressure on Intel.
On January 30, US time, AMD announced its financial report for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2017. In the fourth quarter of 2017, AMD achieved revenue of 14.8 billion US dollars and net profit of 61 million US dollars. In 2017, AMD achieved a total revenue of US $53.3 billion, with a net profit of US $43 million. The annual revenue increased by 25% year on year. AMD also turned losses into profits by virtue of this success.
Influenced by the positive news, AMD raised its profit forecast for the first quarter of 2018, and expected revenue to reach $15.5 billion, up 32% year on year. It is reported that Ryzen series processors and Radeon series graphics cards are the main reasons for the sharp increase in AMD's revenue. However, in the fourth quarter, the customized SoC business (such as the SoC of PS4 and Xbox One) entered a low tide, so the revenue decreased compared to the previous quarter.
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