Previously, foreign media had reported that Xperia XA2 Ultra would be equipped with Snapdragon 630 processor, not just parameter configuration. Some netizens said they had seen the real face of this machine for the first time. According to domestic netizens, the Bank of China version of the phone is on the way to apply for network access permission, and a group of real machine pictures of Xperia XA2 Ultra have also been sent.
According to the disclosure, Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra will adopt rear single camera+front dual camera. Different from the previous generation of Xperia XA Ultra, this Xperia XA2 Ultra rear camera has a slight bulge and is a rear fingerprint identification module. The Xperia XA2 Ultra box still keeps the tradition of the series. It is very narrow, while the forehead and chin are still "traditional" and very spacious.
According to the previous information, the machine will use Snapdragon 630 processor, 4GB memory, 1080P 6.2 inch IPS screen, 21 million pixels for the rear camera, and 15 million pixels for the front. It will be equipped with Android 8.0 system from the factory.
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