The Nokia 6 (2018), which upgraded Snapdragon 630 a few days ago, was released. On January 15, the domestic Nokia 7 received an OTA push from Android 8.0 (Oreo). Previously, HMD had promised to push Android 8.0 updates for Nokia 6 (2018) and Nokia 7 on the official WeChat, while Nokia 6 (2018) had to wait a bit.
This time, the system update data is 788MB, and 1581MB of space surplus is needed for upgrading. In addition to upgrading the kernel to Android 8.0 and updating its own applications, the main upgrade will also update the system setting UI, adding familiar advanced functions such as virtual gesture navigation bar, double click wake-up, raising the hand to light the screen, and screen off reminder.
In addition to the smoothness, the most important improvement of Android 8.0 is the introduction of Autofill (global automatic password filling), while functions such as picture in picture and Instant Apps may not play a significant role in China. In addition, Nokia 7 is only available in China and is expected to enter the Indian and European markets in February.
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