Recently, Apple officially launched iOS 11.2.5 for iOS devices, bringing few new features. For users in the United States, Britain and Australia, Siri can now read news. This update is mainly aimed at fixing various bugs. Previously, Apple said that "it will add the option of unlocking and frequency reduction for iPhone 6/6s/7/SE", It will not come until the next version is updated. The following is the update details:
HomePod support
Siri News
Siri can now read news aloud, just say "Hey Siri, play the news". You can also get specific categories of news such as sports, business or music( USA, UK and Australia only )。
Other improvements and repairs
Solved the problem that may lead to incomplete display of information in the call list of the "Phone" application
Fixed a problem that caused the "mail" notification of some Exchange accounts to disappear from the lock screen when iPhone X was unlocked using the face ID
Solved the problem that may cause the "information" dialogue to be temporarily out of order
Fixed the problem that the "playing" control did not respond after switching multiple audio tracks in the CarPlay car
Added the function of "narration" to broadcast the target position and AirPod power
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