Intel recently confirmed that it will launch H-series mobile processors equipped with the eighth generation Core architecture processor+AMD Radeon integrated display. The processor was developed by Intel in cooperation with AMD Radeon Technologies Group, and finally encapsulated Intel processor and AMD Radeon integrated display through a new chip connection technology. It is said that this is to make up for Intel's weakness in display performance and work with AMD to fight Nvidia.
The code of the new chip is Kaby Lake-G, where G stands for graphics. Radeon displays AMD based Vega. According to the leaked score, the core display performance of this processor has basically reached the level of RX470, which is amazing. However, Intel has not yet released a specific packaging scheme. From the leaked structure diagram, it seems that the integration of the new CPU is not high. The Intel processing core and AMD display core are designed to be packaged separately, more like an integrated module solution than a traditional processor.
AMD and Intel can be said to be a pair of old enemies. Their products have always been tit for tat. Since there are only two CPU solution manufacturers in the consumer PC market, they have always been competitors to each other. AMD was once restricted by the manufacturing process and was left behind by Intel. However, as it started to use the chip technology provided by Samsung Semiconductor, the new Ryzen series processors performed well, putting a lot of pressure on Intel.
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