In September, Jinli released its first full screen mobile phone, the Jinli M7. Now, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has launched its second full screen mobile phone, the model of which is the Jinli S11S.
Jinli has positioned the M-series as a secure mobile phone, mainly for business people, while Jinli's S-series is mainly for young users. This Jinli S11S without exception is equipped with a 6.01-inch Omori full screen, FHD+(2160 × 1080), and it can be seen that it not only retains the rear dual camera, but also is equipped with the front dual camera.
According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the machine uses a 2.5GHz eight core processor, 6GB RAM+64GB ROM, 16 million pixels for the rear main camera, 20 million pixels for the front main camera, and 3600mAh battery capacity. It is equipped with Android 7.1.1 system and uses the rear fingerprint identification module.