Samsung has added the Bixby function on the Galaxy S8/S8+and the new flagship Note8, which is a smart assistant similar to Siri and is also on three flagship phones this year( Include Note8 ), added a Bixby button to fight against Apple, Amazon and Google
However, it is a pity that Bixby is not easy to use. Compared with several old manufacturers, it is highly critical. Moreover, the Bixby button of S8 and Note8 cannot be turned off or set to start other functions. Fortunately, Samsung seems to realize that users are not very satisfied with Bixby, so in the latest update of Bixby App, it added an option to turn off "tap to start Bixby".
However, Samsung has not completely completed this function. Even if you press and hold the key after you turn it off, you will still go to the Bixby page, and it cannot be set to other functions. Maybe you have to wait a little longer.
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