In the early morning of September 13, Beijing time, Apple released three new models of iPhone 8/8 Plus/X, all of which use Apple's new A11 BIONIC (bionic) processor. The CPU part of the processor is a six core design, with a structure of two large cores and four small cores, including 4.3 billion transistors (the previous generation was 3.3 billion). The performance of the large core is 25% better than that of A10 Fusion, The four small cores are 70% faster than the A10 dual small cores, and improve the multithreading performance by 70%; The new GPU designed by Apple is 30% higher than A10. It only needs 50% energy consumption to achieve the same performance as A10. It is specially designed for Metal 2 and Core ML image processing languages, and A11 has a built-in neural engine.
GeekBench Running points library There is a new generation of iPhone running score in. According to the previous naming rules, iPhone, 5 for iPhone X, iPhone, 3 represents iPhone 8 Plus, while iPhone and 2 represent iPhone 8. From the hardware information displayed by GeekBench, all three models use 3GB running memory.
Among them, the most concerned is its outstanding processor performance. Since the iPhone 6s, Apple has been far ahead of the Android camp in terms of single core performance, and its A9 single core score is about 2500 points.
The single core score of A10 used in iPhone 7 is nearly 3500, and the multi-core score is also about 5500; This year's A11 BIONIC took a step further in the CPU part, and its exposed GeekBench generally achieved more than 4000 points in the single core area, and its multi-core score also reached 8000 - 10000 points, which is a very exaggerated performance. The single core score is almost twice that of the Android camp, and the multi-core score of more than 10000 also exceeded many Android flagship models.
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