News about Nokia 8 has been picked up by the media. This is an Android flagship machine that will be equipped with Snapdragon 835, 2K screen, 4GB memory and dual camera. HMD has also announced that it will officially release this mobile phone in London on August 16. On July 31, a Chinese user released a Nokia 8 engineering machine on the second-hand trading platform and offered 4500 yuan.
According to the news from foreign media, a file leaked from the Vodafone operator in Romania. In the leaked file, the price of Nokia 8 to be released is 517.42 euros (about 4110 yuan). According to the pricing rules of the operator, 517.42 euros here is actually the price of the European region. According to Nokia's usual pricing habits, the price of Bank of China is close to or even lower than that of Europe. Previously, Nokia 6 Europe was priced at 229 euros (about 1820 yuan), while Bank of China was priced at 1699 yuan. Since the European price of Nokia 8 is below 520 euros, it is expected that the price of Nokia 8 will be around 3999 yuan. What do you think?