Qualcomm previously updated its mid-range 600 series processors in May. Snapdragon 660 will replace 652 and Snapdragon 630 will replace 625. Among them, Snapdragon 660 has been launched globally on R11 by OPPO, a domestic manufacturer, and now Snapdragon 630 has also appeared Running points library 。
However, the model is not Xiaomi and Samsung, which we are familiar with, but Sharp, which was acquired by Foxconn. The specific model is FS8010, and the running score has also been carried out many times. GeekBench can directly query the running score database.
The single core score of Snapdragon 630 is 855, and the multi-core score is 4139, which is not far behind the Snapdragon 625 (after all, it is an 8-core A53 architecture). These improvements should be due to the increase of the dominant frequency. In terms of memory, it is equipped with 4GB, and GeekBench rarely displays the 2.2GHz of high-frequency core on the processor, which is not the usual small core frequency. GeekBench has already seen a Sharp FS8016 model equipped with Snapdragon 660 in its running score library. Is Sharp planning to release two new models at the same time?
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