Less than a day after Intel released its new Core X processor, AMD was also unwilling to be outdone, and immediately released the HEDT high-end desktop series processor Ryzen Threadripper, which will also compete directly with the X series processors just launched by Intel, including Core i7 and Core i9. This series of processors is expected to be launched this summer, but AMD has not yet disclosed the specific model name. It is known that it will launch a 16 core, 32 thread version with 64 PCIe 3.0 channels, 16MB three-level cache, and X399 platform.
Compared with Intel's slightly "ungrateful" PCIe bus, AMD has a lot of conscience, The Ryzen Threadripper processor has 64 PCI Express Express 3.0 channels, including all 12 core and 16 core versions. The Intel Core X series only has 44 PCIe 3.0 channels for the Core i9-7900X and higher end models, 28 PCIe 3.0 channels for the Core i7-7820X and 7800X, and 16 PCIe 3.0 channels for the Core i7-7740X and i5-7640X, which is quite consistent with the style of "toothpaste factory".
In addition to the huge advantage of PCIe channel, another advantage of Ryzen Threadripper is the memory controller. All models of processors in this series will provide four channel DDR4 memory support. In the Intel Core X series, the two relatively low-end models Core i5-7640X and Core i7-7740X only support dual channel memory. In addition, all Ryzen Threadripper processors will have 16 MB of shared L3 cache.
At the same time, the chipset supporting Ryzen Threadripper series processors was also launched and named as X399, which is exactly the rhythm of Intel. The chipset that Intel adapts to Core X series processors was named as X299( Follow others' path, let others have no way to go, see how Intel's next generation chipset is named )At present, Asustek, Huaqing, Gigabyte and MSI are developing Ryzen Threadripper motherboard based on X399 chipset.
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