In the early morning of May 3, Microsoft launched a new Surface Laptop laptop, and released the Windows 10 S operating system at the same time. Recently, a third-party manufacturer launched a laptop equipped with the Windows 10 S operating system. Acer is one of them.
Acer's notebook this time is called TravelMate Spin B1, which is also the first notebook with Windows 10 S system besides Surface Laptop. The price is $299, which is only one third of the price of Surface Laptop.
The 11.6-inch TravelMate Spin B1 adopts a reversible screen design, and the screen part can rotate 360 degrees, thus transforming into a flat form.
Acer official data shows that TravelMate Spin B1 provides a maximum of 13 hours of life. The version for the North American market uses Intel Celeron processors, with 4GB of memory and 64GB of built-in storage.
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