With the release of Ryzen 5 series processors for the mainstream market, AMD's popularity has soared in the declining DIY market. Recently, 3DCenter, a foreign media, released a survey report on CPU popularity, 83.9% of users like AMD Ryzen 5 Series CPU, 9.4% of users don't like this product, and 6.7% of users don't care about AMD Ryzen 5; As a high-end series, AMD Ryzen 7 is relatively expensive, but its user praise rate is as high as 74.6%; More than half of the users surveyed are willing to buy AMD Ryzen series processors!
In contrast, Intel, the toothpaste factory, in the satisfaction survey of Kaby Lake, 45.3% of the users said they didn't like it, 42.7% of the users said they didn't care, and the praise rate was only 12.0%. 3DCenter said that among the seven years of survey reports, AMD Ryzen 5 has the highest user praise rate, followed by the Sandy Bridge released by Intel in 2011.