Although Sony released its flagship Xperia XZ Premium with Snapdragon 835+4K screen in MWC 2017 at the beginning of the year, for some reason it has not been launched yet. At present, Sony Mobile has opened the reservation activity of Xperia XZ Premium in Europe, and even offered very attractive reservation gifts in some European countries!
On the German official website of Sony Mobile, we can see that the super favorite Sony flagship has opened pre-sales. If you pay 749 euros (about 5700 yuan) to book it, users can also get 299 euros (about 2200 yuan, JD sells 2000 yuan) worth of Sony wireless noise reduction headset MDR-100ABN! This promotion will last until May 31~Unfortunately, there are only black and silver colors available on Sony Mobile's German official website.
It is known that Xperia XZ Premium Bank of China will also open the reservation on May 17. I wonder if Sony Mobile China will also give MDR-100ABN worth 2000 yuan?