according to Love to play computer games According to the news, as a large number of Chinese mobile phone brands encroach on India's mobile phone market share, causing panic among Indian local mobile phone brands, Indian local mobile phone brands call on the government to protect local enterprises and boycott Chinese mobile phones. In the fourth quarter of 2016, the market share of local Indian mobile phone brands such as Micromax and Intex fell sharply from 54% to 20%. On the contrary, they include Xiaomi vivo、OPPO、 The share of Chinese mobile phone brands including Jinli in India in the fourth quarter of 2016 has increased to 46%.
The founder of Indian mobile phone brand Intex said that he hoped that the government would stand on the side of the Indian people and levy anti-dumping duties on Chinese mobile phones sold in India, and even on Chinese mobile phone factories in India, Just as every child needs parents to hold hands, India's mobile phone brand is like a growing child, and the national government is their parents.
At present, many Indian mobile phone companies have joined forces. They have felt the threat of Chinese mobile phones to them, and things are getting worse and worse. Chinese mobile phones in India not only have advantages in price and supply chain, but also overwhelm Indian brands with advertisements and celebrity endorsements. Indian local enterprises are curious about why Chinese mobile phones can spend so much money on advertisements and celebrity endorsements. What is the matter. It is known that in order to control costs, many domestic brands have mobile phone production plants in India, and the vast majority of mobile phones sold in India also come from Indian factories. If the Indian government takes pressure measures against Chinese mobile phone enterprises, the operation of factories will also be affected, which will also cause losses to India's economy and tax revenue.