The foreign media Concept creator released the rendering video of Nokia C9, the new flagship of Nokia, on March 12, US time. The video introduced that the new machine will be equipped with Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 835 processor+6G memory and a 23 megapixel Carl Zeiss camera. Just today, the foreign media also personally slapped the news that "Nokia no longer uses Carl Zeiss technology", claiming that the previous news is only for low-end series, and the flagship may continue to use Carl Zeiss lens.
The appearance of the new machine is very distinctive, with a huge speaker grid at the head, a 5.5 inch 2K screen, a fake leather suture similar to Galaxy Note3 on the back, and a 22.3 million pixel camera with a 1.4 μ m unit pixel. The specifications are brutal.
The Nokia C9 machine was leaked in March 2016. However, considering that the previous information indicates that the new flagship will be Nokia 8 and Nokia 9, the reliability of this rendered video is not high, so you can trust to recharge.
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