Microsoft has disclosed the performance of Xbox Scorpio's graphics card, and its floating point computing capacity has reached 6 trillion times. This floating point performance is very close to GTX1070. IGN, the game media, said that the performance of Scorpio's graphics card is 4.5 times that of Xbox One. At the investor conference of GameStop, the world's largest game retailer, GameStop said that the performance of Xbox Scorpio is very strong. Such a host can be said to be born for 4K games. Scorpio will have a lot of high-quality exclusive games in the future.
However, Tony Bartel, chief operating officer of GameStop, did not disclose any more information because they have signed a confidentiality agreement with Microsoft, but they are very optimistic about the future of Scorpio. GameStop believes that although the current physical game market is not optimistic, the three sub era game consoles, Xbox Scorpio, Switch and PS 4 Pro, have great market potential, and physical games still have a market.