Apple has canceled the 3.5mm headphone interface on the iPhone 7/7 Plus and launched the AirPods Bluetooth headset, but both the cancellation of the interface and the headset itself have been ridiculed by netizens for several months. The former is mainly about compatibility, while the latter has the features of ridicule, such as highly overlapping modeling and EarPod, high price, and easy to lose.
At the beginning of its release, AirPods was denounced by numerous netizens as the most easily lost Bluetooth headset in history. Its customized wireless headset for iPhone can wake up Siri for direct voice use with a light click, and can also activate Siri to ask Siri AirPod's remaining battery capacity through voice. The official claimed that it can provide 24 hours of use time when used with a charging box.
The AirPods wireless headset sold for 1288 yuan in China and was originally scheduled to be officially launched at the end of October, but Apple announced a delay in its launch at the end of October because it needed more time for debugging. It was finally officially launched in China on December 13.
Last week, Apple's overseas official website released the price of losing one of the earphones or charging boxes, which users can purchase by themselves, but the price of a single earphone is as high as 69 dollars (equivalent to 480 yuan, while the purchase price of the whole set is 159 dollars, equivalent to 1100 yuan), and the normal price in China is undetermined.
On November 18 In the evening, Apple released the maintenance price of the AirPods headset on its domestic official website. For the time being, it only provided battery maintenance services, and there was no price display for warranty maintenance. But the battery replacement price of 388 yuan is only a little cheaper than the 588 yuan of the full series iPhone, which is a little exaggerated for a pair of Bluetooth headsets.
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