On November 17, Qualcomm announced part of the performance of the Snapdragon 835 at the Snapdragon Technology Summit in New York. As the flagship chip of Qualcomm in 2017, the Snapdragon 835 uses Samsung 10nm FF technology, which is 30% more area efficiency, 27% more performance, and 40% less power consumption than the previous generation. In short, the energy consumption ratio is higher and the chip area is smaller.
And now GeekBench Running points library The score of Snapdragon 835 is not ideal from the point of view of its performance. There is a gap between its single core and multi-core performance and that of Kirin 960 and Apple A10. In addition, the CPU of Snapdragon 835 is designed with 8 cores, The main frequency of GeekBench shows the frequency of the small core. It can be seen that the frequency of the small core of the Snapdragon 835 is only 1.9 GHz, and the frequency of the large core is unknown. It is also possible that the rate is the score from the low frequency engineering machine.