On November 17, it was reported that Qualcomm had just released Snapdragon 835 at the Snapdragon Technology Summit in New York. Snapdragon 835 uses Samsung's 10nm FF process. Qualcomm said that Samsung's 10nm FF process can improve the area efficiency of the chip by 30%, the performance by 27%, and the power consumption by 40% compared with the previous generation. In short, the energy consumption ratio is higher and the chip area is smaller.
Qualcomm said that Snapdragon 835 has entered the production stage, and the equipment equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 will be shipped in the first half of 2017. Snapdragon 835 is positioned as the flagship SoC, the successor of Snapdragon 820/821.
Keith Kressin, senior vice president of Qualcomm, and Ben Suh, senior vice president of Samsung OEM marketing, presented Snapdragon 835 at the Snapdragon Technology Summit in New York
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