Not long ago, Qualcomm released the Snapdragon 835 processor based on the 10nm process. Recently, MediaTek's P35 specification based on the 10nm process was also exposed online. The book parameters of P35 are quite powerful. Ten cores, two of which will be Cortex-A73 2.2GHz, will be matched with Mali G71. Compared with Mali-T880, the energy efficiency will be improved by 20% and the performance will be increased by 40%. However, it may be a shrunken version, because it is said that P35 only supports 1080p at most, while G71 can actually carry 4K.
P35 can support up to 10GB LPDDR4 memory, integrate Cat.10 baseband, download up to 450Mbps, and also support UFS 2.1, which means that low-end mobile phones can use faster memory in the future, and Pump Express 3.0 is also available.
I believe we will see many mobile phones equipped with Helio P35 processor next year.
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