Recently, the specifications of Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 have been exposed. From the information we have learned, we can know that the Snapdragon 835 will adopt a 10nm process, based on the Kryo architecture with large and small cores. The frequency of the large core is up to 3GHz, while that of the small core is 2.4GHz. The GPU adopts Adreno 540, UFS2.1, It supports dual camera, 4K screen, QC4.0 fast charging protocol and LPDDR4 * 4 channel internal test, and integrates Cat.16 baseband. In addition to Snapdragon 835, there will also be a mid-range SOC of Snapdragon 660, a 14nm process, a 4 * A73+4 * A53 architecture, and an Adreno 512 GPU. What do you think of Snapdragon 835? Let's discuss it together
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