On October 18, Qualcomm held a technology summit in Hong Kong, at which three new SoC platforms, namely, Snapdragon 653, Snapdragon 626 and Snapdragon 427, were officially released. In addition, the first 5G baseband Snapdragon X50 LTE modem was officially launched, which is expected to be commercially available in the first half of 2018. The theoretical download peak reached 5Gbps. It is reported that the Snapdragon X50 LTE modem can cooperate with the previous generation Snapdragon X16 LTE modem to provide a wide area coverage network for early 5G networks through dual connection technology.
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As an upgraded version of Snapdragon 652, the parameters of Snapdragon 653 (MSM8976 Pro) have been exposed by foreign media for some time, and now they are finally revealed. As a small upgrade, the architecture is still 4-core Cortex-A72+4-core Cortex-A53. The frequency of the large core is upgraded from 1.8GHz of Snapdragon 652 to 1.95GHz, while the frequency of the small core remains unchanged. The frequency of the built-in Adreno 510 is increased, and the RAM bandwidth remains the same. However, the maximum support capacity is increased from 6GB to 8GB. It is estimated that another wave of mobile phone manufacturers are interested. The baseband chip is upgraded from Snapdragon X8 LTE modem to Snapdragon X9 LTE modem.
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The fourth 14nm Qualcomm processor Snapdragon 626 (MSM8953 Pro) was officially unveiled after Snapdragon 820, Snapdragon 625 and Snapdragon 821. The highest main frequency is upgraded from 2GHz of Snapdragon 625 to 2.2GHz. The baseband chip is still the Snapdragon X9 LTE modem. The Bluetooth standard is upgraded to version 4.2.
The biggest feature of Snapdragon 427 (MSM8920) is the introduction of dual camera support, which is the first time that Snapdragon 400 series has introduced this attribute. However, unlike the Snapdragon 430 and the Snapdragon 415, the Snapdragon 427 is only a quad core design. It uses the Cortex-A53 architecture, with a maximum frequency of 1.4GHz. It has an Adreno 308 built-in, and is compatible with LPDDR3-1334 RAM. Snapdragon 427 is more like the upgraded version of Snapdragon 425. The baseband chip is upgraded from Snapdragon X6 LTE modem to Snapdragon X9 LTE modem, and the downlink/uplink transmission speed is upgraded from 150Mbps/75Mbps to 300Mbps/150Mbps.
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