After many beta tests, Apple will bring the official version of iOS 10 to users early tomorrow morning. IOS 10 has further improved the basic functions of iOS and added some new functions, among which Apple Music, Apple Maps, Messages and other applications have been greatly updated. In addition, Apple has also opened Siri integration permissions in iOS, and third-party applications will be able to call Siri Voice Assistant from now on.
The iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c are reserved, but the previous models, including the iPhone 4s and other old models, are not updated.
IPhone compatible with iOS 10 is as follows:
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s plus
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 plus
iPhone SE
iPhone 5s
iPhone 5c
iPhone 5
IOS 10 compatible iPad models
12.9 inch iPad Pro
9.7-inch iPad Pro
iPad Air 2
iPad Air
Fourth generation iPad
iPad mini 4
iPad mini 3
iPad mini 2
IPod Touch compatible with iOS 10