Samsung officially launched the Galaxy J Max in India with a screen size of up to 7 inches. The machine is equipped with a 7-inch TFT LCD screen with a resolution of only 1280 × 800. In terms of configuration, it uses a 1.5GHz eight core processor, 1.5GB memory, 16GB storage (maximum expansion of 200GB), 8 million pixel rear camera head (LED flash/F1.9 aperture), 2 million pixel front camera (F2.2 aperture), 4000mAh battery Android 5.1 operating system. The overall size is 186.9 × 108.8 × 8.7mm, and the appearance has two styles of black and gold.
Galaxy J Max will be launched online and offline in India at the end of July, with a price of INR 13400, about RMB 1335, and an Airtel six-month data package worth INR 4500 (about RMB 450).