Recently, some media reported that Apple's new Thunderbolt display screen has added wide color gamut DCI-P3 color gamut support. Compared with the previous old model, the color gamut Thunderbolt display has improved a lot. According to the latest exposure, the display component of Apple iPhone 7 should also add DCI-P3 color gamut support. This wide color gamut screen will make its display effect more outstanding than before. The previously released iPad Pro already supports wide color gamut, and the improvement of display effect can be seen. It is said that Apple may The wide color gamut screen on the iPhone 7 is named Retina Color, which can present a richer and more vivid green/red than the ordinary screen. It is amazing.
WebKit, a famous overseas Apple information related website, has produced an interesting picture. If you look at the ordinary RGB screen, you can only see pure red, but if you look at it on a device that supports the DCI-P3 wide color gamut, you can see a logo.