On July 11, Qualcomm "quietly" released its latest flagship chip Snapdragon 821 on its official website. It can also be seen from the model that it is the flagship upgrade of Snapdragon 820. Its Kryo maximum main frequency rose to 2.4GHz.
In terms of architecture, the Snapdragon 821 still maintains the matching of dual core big Kryo and dual core small Kryo, but the big core has been upgraded to the highest 2.4GHz (the Snapdragon 820 is 2.15GHz), and the official did not specify the specific frequency of the small core. Other features are consistent with the Snapdragon 820, including the X12 LTE modem baseband, which supports up to 600Mbps downlink networks.
From In addition to the big core overclocking, the small Kryo of the Snapdragon 821 will also be upgraded to a dominant frequency higher than 2GHz. If this is true, the Snapdragon 820 will bring much stronger multi-core performance and daily fluency than the Snapdragon 820 (the "small" check will have a greater impact on daily fluency). In addition, the main frequency of the GPU will be increased to the maximum 650MHz, and the GPU model is still uncertain. Maybe we will see the existence of a more powerful GPU than the Adreno 530 in the Snapdragon 821. In this way, Qualcomm's advantages over its competitors in mobile GPU will be further expanded.
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