Intel recently released the latest model E5-2600 v4 series processor of Xeon based on Broadwell EP architecture. E5-2600 v4 uses process reduction to increase the number of cores, while maintaining single thread performance and thermal design power consumption (TDP). It also improves DDR4 memory rate support from 2133 MT/s to 2400 MT/s.
In today's virtual machine environment, administrators need to control a large number of system resources, including processor frequency and number of cores, memory size, disk I/O. Intel Add processor cache to system resource control through the latest "CMT/CAT" (cache monitoring and allocation technology). This mechanism can prevent broken writes and low priority customers from occupying more shared processor cache than expected, and allows high priority customers to reduce memory calls and improve I/O performance.
CMT and CAT are part of Intel Resource Management Technology (RDT). At the same time, it also adds the memory bandwidth monitoring function. These basic new features can be fully automated under software definition (SDI). With Intel's Transactional Synchronization Extension (TSX), Broadwell EP Xeon processors receive full functional support for transactional memory.