Since its launch, the first Android flagship Priv of Blackberry has taken an unusual path. It uses Google's Android system to add applications, while trying to maintain its own security features. However, when many flagship have eaten the latest 6.0 marshmallows, it still keeps the 5.0 system not updated. Recently, some foreign media finally released the Priv experience video with Android 6.0.
(BlackBerry Priv with Andorid 6.0)
From the video, the UI and other aspects are basically unchanged. The biggest change is the system version number (laugh). However, Android 6.0's newly added Doze mode and enhanced App rights management should also be equipped. You can wait for the official push update of Priv oil, and BlackBerry will push security patches on time every month, which is also the most aggressive manufacturer of security patch updates except for your own son.
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