Previously, Sony launched an internal test plan of Xperia Beta for Android 6.0 update. With the constant completion of bug repair tasks, the Z5 series in Riqu has pushed new marshmallows. At the beginning of March, Sony also officially announced that it will become the three Z5 brothers in all regions of the world, Z3+(Japanese version Z4) Z4 Tablet pushes Android 6.0 updates, along with introduction videos made by Sony for Android 6.0.
(Android 6.0 Marshmallow software update by Sony)
As a conscientious manufacturer in system update (The speed is relatively slow) Sony officially supports upgrading Android 6.0 models this time. In addition to the just mentioned models, there are also Z series models Z3、Z3 Compact、Z2, Medium and low-end M5, C5 Ultra, M4 Aqua, C4 and flat Z4 Tablet Compact, Xperia Z2 Tablet.
All believers should be ready to accept Dafa's push at any time. (laughing)