With the gradual launch of the machines equipped with Snapdragon 820, the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge is used as the representative of the Snapdragon 820 in foreign XDA forums to compare with other SoC machines to see whether the latest 820 can become the real king.
The machines tested are iPhone 6s Plus (Apple A9), S7 edge (Snapdragon 820), Note 5 (Exynos 7420), Moto X Prue (Snapdragon 808), Nexus 6P (Snapdragon 810) and HTC One M9 (Snapdragon 810).
Because the CPU test machine includes Android and iOS platforms, GeekBench is used for cross platform run test for 8 consecutive times, and the record results are shown in the figure above.
In these tests, it can be clearly seen that the Snapdragon 820 performs surprisingly on S7. The test scores from the beginning to the end are not different, and there is no significant performance degradation like the Nexus 6P or HTC OneM9 equipped with 810; Note 5 continued its stable performance before, and Exynos 7420 proved its strength again. 820 not only improved its performance this time, but also kept its advantages until the end of the test.
For temperature measurement of mobile phones, line up: iPhone 6s Plus S7 edge、Note 5、Moto X Pure、Nexus 6P。 The test results met expectations. The iPhone 6s Plus and Note 5 performed best, at about 28.3 degrees Celsius; The temperature of 6P is the highest, reaching 35 ℃, ranking behind Moto X Pure's 31.1 ℃; The S7 edge maintained a good balance between performance and heat this time, ranking behind the Note 5 and iPhone at 28.9 degrees Celsius, and performing much better than 810.
Officially, the latest Adreno 530 has improved the image performance of Snapdragon 820 by more than 40%. Through the test of 3DMark, we can also see that the performance of S7 edge has indeed improved significantly compared with Nexus 6P or Note 5. But unlike the CPU test, the 820 can drop significantly in the test, although its score is still higher than that of the comparison model. It is worth mentioning that all machines have been cooled for 30 minutes in a room with a room temperature of 24.5 degrees Celsius before the test, but the initial temperature is still not consistent, which may affect the test, and the results are for reference only.
The S7 edge equipped with Snapdragon 820 has been leading the Android models from the beginning to the end. As promised, GPU performance has increased significantly. However, various models have declined to varying degrees, among which the HTC One M9 has dropped from 1401 to 1082, which is really horrible.
After the test, the temperature was measured. Unexpectedly, the highest temperature this time was the iPhone 6s Plus, and the S7 edge ranked second. Note 5, which had the same initial temperature as the S7 edge, was slightly lower. What is surprising is that the Nexus 6P only increased by 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the whole round of testing. The reason is not clear. Maybe it is because the architecture of the tested GPU distinguishes the CPU from the Adreno 430, which proves that the Adreno 430 is a powerful mobile GPU alone.
Here XDA reiterated that this test cannot represent the complete level of Snapdragon 820, but only represents the S7 edge itself. After all, there are too many variables such as customized software, background services, and internal hardware configuration. This test is only for reference.
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