Recently, some media reported that Apple may launch a 9.7-inch iPad Pro version this year to meet the needs of more users. The overall design style will be very similar to the current 12 inch iPad Pro, but the screen size will shrink to 9.7-inch. Today, another internal Apple news said that the 9.7-inch configuration of the iPad Pro will be slightly enhanced in the standard version of the iPad Pro, which is equipped with the A9X processor, 4GB operating memory, and supports Apple Pencil. The camera will be upgraded from 8 million pixels to 12 million pixels, supporting 4K video capture, and will use the camera equipped with the iPhone 6S. In addition to the camera upgrade, the iPad Pro 9.7 also The brightness of the screen will be improved, and the anti reflection coating will be added on the screen to reduce screen glare. It is possible to design a new keyboard kit for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro.