The day before yesterday, Sony Mobile released their new smartphone series, Xperia X, on MWC 2016. Among them, Xperia X Performance is also equipped with Qualcomm's latest and strongest SoC Snapdragon 820. Surprisingly, Sony's flagship series Xperia Z has not used the Snapdragon 820 yet, but is ahead of the new series, which inevitably leads to some questions.
However, today's Sony Mobile official in Germany has given a reasonable explanation. They replied to their fans' messages in FaceBook, saying that the newly released Xperia X series will replace the existing Xperia Z series as the flagship series of Xperia. He also mentioned that Xperia Z6 does not exist, and this series has been canceled.
List of Xperia X series parameters
That is to say, the Xperia X Performance (equipped with Snapdragon 820) released by Sony Mobile in MWC 2016 is the new generation flagship phone of Sony in 2016. I wonder if the latest Sony flagship Xperia X Performance has satisfied everyone?