Yesterday evening, a netizen got one Millet 5 The instruction sticker on the back of the box clearly shows the configuration of Xiaomi Mobile Phone 5 to be released in 7 days.
As can be seen from the instruction sticker, Xiaomi 5 supports full network access, dual cards and dual standby, adopts Snapdragon 820 SoC with the highest dominant frequency of 2.15GHz, screen: 5.15 inch full HD (1080P), uses push fingerprint, 16 million pixels in the rear+4 million pixels in the front, battery capacity of 2910mAh/3000mAh, USB Type-C interface. The memory of the high configuration version is only 3GB. There is no large capacity battery, the screen is slightly small, there is no 2K screen, and the memory of the high configuration version is not up to 4GB. After seeing the configuration of Xiaomi 5, I wonder if everyone is satisfied?