The new flagship of Samsung Galaxy S series will be unveiled next month. In the past two months, there has been a lot of revelations. Recently, the famous foreign god @ evleaks has been in the foreign media Two suspected official renderings of the Galaxy S7/S7 Edge were released. It is rumored that the Galaxy S7 is 5.1 inches and the Galaxy S7 Edge is 5.5 inches, which has been confirmed. In appearance, it is very similar to the current Galaxy S6/S6 Edge. The overall shape is more robust, and Home has become more square.
These two new flagship ships both support MicroSD card expansion (up to 200GB), and will meet the three prevention standard of IP67. The Galaxy S7/S7 Edge will be equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 and Samsung Exynos 8890, both with 4GB of memory and 32GB or 64GB of built-in storage. The Exynos 8890 processor is a SoC processing solution based on ARM architecture. It contains four Mongoose cores with a clock frequency of 2.3GHz and four A53 cores with a clock frequency of 1.6GHz. The chip integrates cellular modules and can support LTE Category 9.
In terms of screen materials, Samsung's own Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 2560 * 1440 will be used. It may be equipped with Samsung's new always on display (AOD) technology, which can make the screen gray and consume at least 1% of electricity per hour. The camera is reduced from 16 million pixels to 12 million pixels, and the camera module is equipped with a lens of f/1.7 (f/1.9 on S6). Although the pixels are reduced, it is not only pixels that determine the imaging effect. Sensors, lens modules and algorithms are also important. The final photo effect of Galaxy S7/S7 Edge will not be revealed until it is released.