Apple recently launched a new iOS 9.3 Beta. This update will add more 3D Touch functions, so that users can better use 3D Touch to do more things.
Introduced before, the new version has been added More 3D Touch shortcut keys New night mode! Blu ray reduction design Notes function is more secure. In addition, the most important thing is to increase Users are free to delete the pre installed software.
Now iOS 9.3 allows users to delete iPhone pre installed programs, but only if users need to pay 79 pounds (about 750 yuan) in advance.
To delete a preinstalled application:
1. Register the iOS test plan to download the public beta version of iOS 9.3 (the official version has not yet been launched).
2. After registration, click Settings - General - Software Update to download iOS 9.3 public beta.
3. Download Apple Configurator 2.2 beta. This step requires users to register for Apple Developer Membership, with a registration fee of 79 pounds.
4. You can now set parameters. Select the "Do not allow pre installed applications" option, and then enter the commands of these applications. For example, the commands of Stocks are After entering, you can delete the pre installed applications of Stocks from your iPhone.
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