The ineffective Snapdragon 810 and the late Snapdragon 820 have delayed the flagship of Xiaomi, Vivo and many other mobile phone manufacturers from home and abroad. However, before the arrival of Snapdragon 820, Qualcomm released Snapdragon 652 and Snapdragon 650 destined to become a generation of "God U". After the Samsung Galaxy A9 and Hongmi Note3 were fully connected to the Internet, another machine using Snapdragon 650/652 processors appeared in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
This exposure vivo X6s Plus Code vivo X6sPlus A. 158.16 × 79.94 × 7.7mm, 190g 3D, weight and appearance are almost the same as X6 Plus. The machine is equipped with 5.7 inch AMOLED screen, 1.8GHz eight core processor+4GB memory+64GB storage, 16 million rear cameras+8 million front cameras, and is a full network communication model.
from 1.8GHz eight core, and X6 Plus MT6752 ( 1.7GHz eight core )It is estimated that this SoC is very likely to be Snapdragon 652 In addition, according to the official "leak" news, the machine uses 4000mAh batteries, the price will exceed 3000 yuan and will be released after the Spring Festival.