It has been less than two months since Samsung launched the Galaxy S7, and the size and appearance of the new Galaxy S7 have been exposed several times from various channels. However, there are still different opinions on how many versions of the S7 will be in the end. Recently, foreign media reported the size of the Galaxy S7 "family" re exposed by the well-known high-end mobile phone case accessory manufacturer ITSKINS, The information shows that S7 will adopt a different product line strategy than before.
The standard Galaxy S7 will use a 5.1 inch screen, and will not launch a curved screen version. Its appearance is very similar to the current Galaxy S6.
The Galaxy S7 Edge will use a 5.5 inch curved screen, of which the straight part is 5.2 inches.
It is said that the third size is the 6-inch Galaxy S7 Plus. It is said that the machine has two versions, namely, curved screen and straight screen. Since the news comes from ITSKINS, a well-known accessory manufacturer, the accuracy of details should have some credibility. Not surprisingly, the Galaxy S7 will have three sizes of 5.1 inches, 5.5 inches and 6 inches to differentiate from the 5.7 inch Galaxy Note series. Samsung's flagship product line will also cover the 5.1 to 6 inch market comprehensively.