Following the launch of the widely acclaimed G Watch R, LG launched the round smart watch again. This time in MWC 2015, LG officially launched the Urbane series smart watch, which continues the round design, and also adds the style supporting LTE network, making it the first smart watch supporting LTE network.
First of all, let's make it clear that although LG Watch Urbane and Urbane LTE are just three words different from LTE in their names, Urbane runs the common Android Wear operating system, while Urbane LTE runs the LG intelligent wearable platform system, which should be based on WebOS.
On Urbane LTE, a series of applications are pre installed, including the camera program. Since Urbane LTE does not have a camera, the main purpose of this program is to control the camera of the phone to take photos, and because it does not run Android Wear, it also loses Google Now support, LG's solution to this problem is to write a voice assistant called Go QVoice to replace Google Now.
As for the support for smart phones, the two Urbane watches currently only support the Android operating system. The LTE watch requires users to install LG's own Watch Manager on the phone, and the ordinary version can directly use the Android Wear application.
For Urbane LTE, users can directly call out the phone number from the watch or use the PTT walkie talkie to make a call. The LTE model has a built-in microphone and speaker, and it can also send and receive text messages. If it is convenient to use, it naturally needs a voice assistant. also In addition to the LTE module, Urbane LTE also has the NFC mobile payment function, which is not available in the standard version of Urbane.
If the LTE and non LTE versions are compared together, the difference between the two is obvious. The body weight of the Urbane LTE has reached 115 grams, which feels like a high-end watch, and the thickness is relatively objective. As for the ordinary version of the Urbane, the weight is only 45 grams, even lighter than the G Watch R. People who are used to wearing watches may feel that the ordinary version is too light.
In addition, the strap of the LTE version is made of plastic, while the ordinary version is equipped with the original leather strap, and the strap can be replaced. There are also differences in the buckle design between the two. The ordinary version uses the traditional buckle, while the LTE version uses the stainless steel folding buckle.
During our short experience, we can't draw any conclusions about the endurance. The LTE version has a built-in 700mAh battery - the smartwatch with the largest battery capacity ever. The ordinary version has a 300mAh battery, which is also larger than the Gear S supporting 3G networks.
The screen specifications of both are the same. Both are 1.3 inch POLED, with a resolution of 320 × 320. 245ppi is not delicate, but it is enough for smart watches.
The LTE version has three control buttons on the side of the fuselage. The middle button is used to switch between the display surface and the display application. The lower button is the return button. Long press can dial the preset emergency call number. The upper button is a shortcut for notification and setting.
As for the ordinary version, the design of the body button is the same as that of other Android Wear watches, just a power button.
For those users who don't want to take their mobile phones with them when jogging, both Urbanes have a built-in virtual fitness trainer and GPS chip, which can monitor the user's running or riding activities. The built-in heart rate sensor and barometer can also slightly monitor mountaineering activities.
LG even added built-in motion sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes and compass for golf enthusiasts. In terms of processors, the conventional 1.2GHz Snapdragon 400 processor, 1GB RAM, 4GB memory, Bluetooth 4.0 in LTE style, as well as NFC and Wi Fi.
The standard version of the Urbane smart watch looks pretty good. Maybe it will be one of the best smart watches on the MWC this year. As for the Urbane LTE smart watch, its appearance is really cool. But at present, LG has only announced its listing plan in South Korea. As for whether LG will introduce it to the global market, there is no news yet.
Original text and pictures from