GS5 update Android 5.0 beta
GS5 update Android 5.0 beta

Earlier, Galaxy S5 Quad Core International Edition (G900F) had been exposed with some screenshots and videos of Android 5.0 beta version. At that time, the system was named Android L, and Samsung will update the official version of Android 5.0 for S5 in 2014. Sammobile has recently updated some new screenshots of the beta version

On the right is a screenshot of the new Android 5.0, similar to Note 4.

Selection of wallpaper (old left and new right).

The color of the drop-down bar has changed a little (old left and new right).

Multi task card, joined Google search service (old left and new right).

In the SMS interface, you can see that the color of the top bar has changed from black to yellow (old left and new right), which is close to the SMS interface.

The calculator interface is more flat and simple (old left and new right).

The alarm clock interface has some details changed (old left and new right).

The setting interface has richer icon colors (old left and new right).

The setting interface combines the style of native Android 5.0 and Samsung TouchWiz (old left and new right).

The system version has changed from Android L to Android 5.0 (old left and new right).


Igao7 Feiwei
If you don't brush the machine, don't overclock, and don't bother, you will die
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