When OPPO N3 was released, in addition to the selling points of the electric rotary camera, it also claimed that it used Schneider certified lenses. We received the screenshot of the email sent by Schneider to OPPO, confirming that N3 has passed the relevant certification and is allowed to use it as a selling point for publicity.
This email is from the R&D director (chief technical officer) of Schneider Group. He formally confirmed that the lens of OPPO N3 passed the Schneider certification and authorized OPPO N3 to use the Schneider brand certification for publicity.
He said in the email “ The smartphone sample N5207 (OPPO N3) has been tested, and we also checked the latest optical design data. All test values of OPPO N3 meet the certification standards of Schneider lens Therefore, we permit OPPO N3 to use Schneider brand certification for publicity. "