According to the report of Apple Insider, the latest document released by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today shows that Apple has obtained a patent related to flexible screen input (patent number 8855727): computing devices can receive flexible screens that are bent or deformed in some way and send relevant information. The patent describes a process in detail, that is, the new flexible screen can trigger signals by bending. Once it senses the bending, it will send special multimedia messages (MMS).
The inventor Vartanian first applied for this patent in September 2013. It seems that Apple has acquired its patent before the dissolution of HJ Laboratories, a company named HJ Laboratories, because the two inventors listed in the patent documents have sought new jobs in the past few years and do not work at Apple.
Apple's acquisition of this patent only shows that Apple will eventually enter the market of flexible screen devices, so that it can master more technological initiatives and bring us more advanced products.