Samsung's Galaxy Tab S has been launched for some time, and has attracted many users' attention with its ultra-high resolution 2560 * 1600 screen and ultra-thin body. And in On the website's latest achievements, there is a device called SM-T805S, which uses the Exynos 5433 processor. In terms of model, it will be an upgraded version of Galaxy Tab S 10.1 inch.
This T805S uses an Exynos 5433 processor, which is composed of a quad core 1.9GHz Cortex-A57 and a quad core 1.3GHz Cortex-A53. 3G Ram uses the Android 4.4.4 system. From the test results, it is equivalent to the Galaxy Note 4 of Exynos 5433.
For the performance of Exynos 5433, please read our evaluation:
First launch of Cortex-A57 Samsung Galaxy Note4