Pangu, who was brilliant on the debut of iOS 7.1. X prison break, officially released its iOS 8 prison break program today, which is the first time in the world to release a prison break. Pangu iOS 8 jailbreak cooperates with PP assistant, and does not integrate Cydia. At present, it only introduces the application under Windows system.
In terms of model support, Pangu Prison Break basically lists all models, of course, this is almost all models that can be upgraded to iOS 8. There are iPad Touch, iPhone 4S/4, iPhone 5/5C/5S, iPad Mini/2/3 and iPad/iPad Air/Air 2. On the system side, Pangu Prison Break expressed support for iOS 8.0~iOS 8.1. X. Pangu stated in a special note that the current version 1.0 is strictly for jailbreak developers.
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