Galaxy Note4 has been on the market for some time. It uses Exynos 5433 and Snapdragon 805 dual platforms. After Google released Android 5.0, Samsung couldn't help releasing its eight core 64 bit processor, Exynos 7 Octa, and the official website also updated information in a timely manner, confirming that the eight core version of Note4 in Exynos uses the Exynos 7 Octa series of processors.
According to the information on the Samsung official website, Note4 uses the Exynos 7 Octa processor with its own Exynos Modem 303 baseband (the Hong Kong version uses Intel XMM7260), while the 5.7-inch 2560 * 1440 screen and 3G Ram features are common to all versions of Note4.
Exynos 7 Octa on Note 4 uses quad core Cortex-A57 and quad core Cortex-A53 to form a big LITTLE architecture, with Mali-T760 series GPU, manufactured by 20nm HKMG process.
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