After Pangu announced the jailbreak of iOS 8, good news came again, this time it was the locked version of iPhone 6. The team of China Chaoxue said that since Pangu had broken the network lock through technology after he escaped from prison, he could let the corresponding locked iPhone 6 break the network limit and run the relevant network perfectly.
According to the team of China Super Snow, this attack uses SI temporary login vulnerability and dual mode card to unlock the pain. Get the underlying permissions of the system through prison break, install the crack patch of Super Snow Assistant, and then complete the corresponding design. After the iPhone 6 with lock is cracked, it will support 2/3/4G of China Mobile Unicom, that is, GSM/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/TDD-LTE/FDD-LTE. It also supports 2/3G of China Telecom, and may support 4G of China Telecom in the future.