Shortly after the LG G Watch was updated, the motorcycle brought an update to 360. The version number of this update is the same as 4.4w. 2.
The updated contents include:
Smart Battery Saving: Automatically turn off the animation mode when the power is less than 15%, without manual intervention
Timely proofreading time: it will be time checked with mobile phones more frequently than ever before. - Will it consume more power?
User interface adjustment: Motorola said that although Moto 360 is a smart watch, many consumers often want it to be just an ordinary watch, just to watch the time more luxuriously, so it introduced a new gesture, click on the top of the notification and slide down, you can temporarily hide the notification, and then you can see it again when you return to the high priority notification.
Ambient light perception: when charging, the screen brightness will be automatically adjusted according to the indoor light, which will not be too bright or too dark.
Bluetooth enhancement: Several internal improvements can easily connect Bluetooth headset.
Bug repair: I didn't say specifically, but said that multiple repairs enhanced the overall experience.
This update will be pushed in stages. Note that when updating, you need to connect your mobile phone and be able to access the Internet, and the power should not be less than 80%.