According to relevant reports, Apple will release the new iPad Air and iPad mini in October. The iPad Air 2 will use 2GB of running memory, which will also be the first iOS device to use 2GB of memory. There will be some changes in the appearance of the new iPad Air. The diameter of the speaker hole at the lower back will become larger. At the same time, the position of the camera will also have a small change, but the difference is small. It will also be thinner than the existing iPad.
The touch ID fingerprint recognition function will be added to the new iPad Air, and the processor will continue to use the A8 chip of the iPhone 6. However, the news also revealed that Apple has asked TSMC to start producing a certain number of A8X, and this new processor will be used on the 12.9-inch iPad. This is also why Apple used the "X" numbering processor again after the A6X for the iPad 4, and the A6X officially doubled the number of GPUs for the high resolution required for the Retina display screen of the iPad 4 to keep up with the demand for screen computing.
In terms of capacity, the new iPad Air still has four capacities: 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB, and 32GB will not be canceled like the iPhone 6.
In addition, the news also said that there was another possibility that the new iPad mini would not be released with the iPad Air 2 in October, but would be launched with the 12.9-inch iPad in the second quarter of 2015.